The Candlelight Project
Those who are even vaguely aware of the news cannot deny that we face many challenges as a planet and as a species. But this has always been the case, and yet we are still here and more or less thriving. This is because there have always been those who have kept the candlelight of hope lit even during the darkest hours. Today there are thousands of groups and organization as well as hundreds of thousands of individuals all over the world who are dedicated to bringing the light of freedom, equality, peace, justice, brotherhood and abundance to the darkest corners of the planet and human consciousness. These “World Servers” are on a mission of personal and planetary transformation. You will find us in every nation, race, religion, ethnic group and social and economic strata working at all levels, large and small to support planetary transformation.
The Candlelight project was created as a venue of support for these efforts. As we consider the enormity of the challenges that face the planet, our efforts may often seem no more than a drop in the bucket in an ocean of challenges. And yet the light of one small candle is sufficient to dispel a room full of darkness. And it isn’t only the size of our financial contributions but also the very energy and act of giving that carries an unseen power that many do not see; an energy that not only blesses others but ourselves as well.
I am giving birth to this project out of the abundance that Mountain Light Sanctuary has created with the gifts from our guests. From this abundance I have committed $1,000 per month divided among several different projects. I am giving priority to those which I feel can accomplish the most with a modest monthly gift. These include projects and change agents who are new and often underfunded. There are many larger projects that I am passionate about but which have large and relatively well funded budgets, so that my small monthly contribution would not have such an impact.
Here is my invitation to you. I am looking for recommendations for additional projects to those I have already found and for volunteers who would extend this invitation to others via your social network, colleagues and friends as well as those with IT skills who would gift some time to create a simple website for some of the projects who are doing great work but need a greater social network exposure.
And of course, there are the financial gifts. I am looking for at least 100 “Golden Givers” who are willing to commit any amount on a monthly basis for one year to a project or projects of your choice among those listed. This list will be regularly updated so there will be an increasing number of choices. The criteria I am using to choose the projects are the nature of their work, their past accomplishments, their ability to show a budget of how their monies are spent, and regular reports of what they are accomplishing and their goals for the future. Leverage is another important element; those projects that have the greatest impact for one’s donation. Transparency and accountability are of prime importance. Projects dedicated to working for peace, equality, social justice, freedom, gender equality, refugee support, economic opportunity, environmental sustainability and the transformation of human consciousness are our primary focus.
My personal role in all of this is simply to promote support for these projects and to keep a record of who is supporting what so that I can share this with each of the “Golden Givers” in a timely manner. I am not seeking any personal compensation. This is a total volunteer effort and a part of my own contribution. On a personal note; my university education was paid for by anonymous donors and every job and social change endeavor I have undertaken has been supported by the generosity of donors. Now I have reached the point in my own life where my income and simple living make it possible for me to pass that generosity on to others.
Can you afford $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 or more a month to light a candle for peace, social justice, equality, opportunity and the transformation of human consciousness? Do you have the technical skills to volunteer to set up a simple website for an emerging project? Are you willing to share this project with your social network, colleagues or friends? If any of these are possible, please contact me at and let’s explore the options. I can send you a list of the projects I am supporting as well as those that I am offering for your own consideration. I do hope to hear from you.