We endeavor to model fifth dimensional living by operating on the basis of gifting rather than set ‘rates.’ We offer to you the gift of a few days away from the hustle and bustle of life ‘out there,’ trusting that we can continue paying our mortgage, insurance, utilities and upkeep with the generosity of your gifts. This is also in keeping with the ancient monastic tradition of hospitality that trusts both the generosity of our guests and our faith in Divine Presence to keep the Sanctuary open.
However, we recognize that this is unusual and that many of our guests are more comfortable when they have an idea of the average donation we receive for each accommodation. Photos and a description of each accommodation, along with the average donation can be found at the lodging link here
We believe that no one should ever be turned away because of money. At the same time we honor the law of balance in giving and receiving. For this reason we offer a work/exchange program for those who do not have money. This includes short-term stays in our Banana Patch Village on a work/trade basis of three hours of work for each nights lodging – Sunday through Thursday – with a minimum of two and a maximum of five nights. Since most of the work is garden and landscape related such as weeding, raking, mowing or clearing land, guests should be in good physical condition. We can normally accommodate up to two work/trade guests at a time. Longer work/trade stays may be available for returning guests and in certain other situations.
We accept cash, personal checks & credit cards via paypal. We also welcome designated gifts and bequests for our building projects or expanding our land base.